This is a custom VT-102 macro template file which can be used to add F-keys
beyond F1-F4. This set currently allows F5-F15 keys to be active, but only F5-F12 contain any sample commands. Follow the examples of the other keys to add your own commands. To install this set:
1- Open the service dialer that will be used with this macro set.
2- Click the Emulation radio button
3- Set Display to VT-102.
4- Set Keyboard: selection to Default.
5- Drag this file to the ProTERM > Macros folder.
6- Rename this file as "Resident User 1" (or 2, or other unused
“Resident Macro” number).
7- After placing this file in the ProTERM > Macros folder, or if you make
changes to the file, choose Save from the File menu and press:
COMMAND+OPTION+Z or restart ProTERM, to Reload the macro sets.
This complete set of F5-F12 VT-102 is set up as an example. You may find some of the keys suit your needs as they are. If not, you can change them to your custom needs by replacing the characters supplied, with the characters that allow you to use your needed commands.
// special "link" code just in case file is executed directly